Nick carter sex allegations by Melissa schuman she evil she need leaved him aloned 4/13/23

1 year ago

Melissa schuman is vile person she blocked on ig you know Instagram for no reason she is not a nice person she a vile person but also blocked on my other ig account Instagram now were are even hope woman delete all social media platform including Instagram twitter tiktok and youtube she so ridiculous is bad part girl band group dream she be kick off dream for sure is not a nice person but a bad person one day she get her karma one am with nick carter he doesn't deserve this kinda harassment he won't take this from her no way no how will sues her at court filing ceased and deceased order against that what nick carter needs to do she lies she get money out of him become famous again this what this person is she vile and disgusting hope nick carter sued for a penny she got we support nick carter he nice guy and innocent in all of this

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