Soul Gems with Mark Borax: Free Will vs. Predetermination

1 year ago

Free will or predeterminism? This question is one of the main questions I’ve been asked over my forty years as an astrologer. I don’t see it as either free will or predetermination. Neither feels correct by itself. Both start to feel correct to me when each allows the existence of the other rather than canceling the existence of the other.

If it was just predestination, that reduces the creative participation of human beings. If it was just free will, there’d be no grand design.

In Soul Level Astrology, I see birth charts as a conduit to the parts of you that were here before and chose to come back to get a few things done. That conduit describes your reincarnational arc from life to life.

While all aspects of your behavior are not predetermined, there are certain setups that simply don’t begin and end with a single incarnation, but carry over from the long past to the deep future.

It is both free will and predetermination.

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