1 year ago

I’ve learned to cling to the Lord come hell or high water, and they both surely will rush in at some point . I know what it is like to press my face into a bundle of pillows wanting to scream but i just breathe in deep. I lean into Him and listen.

“It’s okay. I’m still here, even in the darkness.”

Yes!! Those are the very words the Lord would have me tell you today.

Those scars of your soul He is healing., He is present in your pain. In the midst of your anguish and ache, God doesn’t condemn you. He is not disappointed or impatient with you. And, though he often doesn’t bring a sudden change of circumstance, he’s sitting with you in your pain. He has always been right there!

His light is piercing through your darkness, his living water is flowing through that barren place, there is a lifting of your head taking place, I see a vision of some on their knees and the darkness is fleeing and their heads being lifted.

When the God of heaven has decided to lift you up, no scheme of the enemy shall prosper in your life. Let that cause a sonic boom in the corridors of hell and bring full assurance to your soul that

It is okay. He was with you in this darkness, but its time to come out.

Hezekiah’s Wall ~

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