H2O. Gigantic back up solar powered water supply and purification. Windy Solar Capital

1 year ago

First thing that people die from when the power goes out for awhile is no water and clean drinking water. No well pump working, etc. And when diesel fuel runs out fast and the govt starts rationing it? Gives to truckers 1st, what then for water and back up power? Windy solar capital can help you secure a water supply anywhere from 200 gallons up to the biggest thing we can fabricate for you that could hold 10,000 gallons or more. Also we hook distillation machines to your water supply so you can get medical grade water you could do kidney dialysis with and literally if all the water ran out and it wasn’t raining for a while, you could pee in a bucket, dump it in the distillation machine and get medical grade water you could again do kidney dialysis for grandma with and fill up all your reserve bottles to drink / cook with. We can custom size your backup or complete solar powered water system. Also we can do any type of residential solar structure, roof mounted solar or commercial solar system. Anything that’s involved with solar we get over 55% paid for and tax credits and incentives for business owners and over 33% paid for for residential customers in every state. This client doesn’t want any of their business disclosed but they did get a 3200 gallon water tank and a 2000 gallon tank And a bunch of 200 gallon water tanks. Guess who will be richer than Scrooge McDuck when the water supply is disrupted severely?

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