ICONIC Living and Business with Senga Cree

1 year ago

Senga Cree is a business coach and mentor with huge experience in change, coaching and leadership roles in the NHS and government strategy and policy roles. She founded her ICONIC Living & Business brand four years ago and as it grew to a six figure business and beyond she committed to helping others create freedom and wealth lifestyles and businesses that align with THEIR unique purpose and vision.

She is passionate about embodiment (walking the actual walk) and understanding the impact our thoughts and conditioning have on creating our reality… LIVING INTENTIONALLY. She empowers her clients to take bold action towards their big dreams through 3 main areas: Self Leadership, Wealth Leadership and Entrepreneurial Leadership…. She reminds people WHO THEY ARE… to OWN THAT, to choose to grow, to take risks AND that they have EXACTLY WHAT IT TAKES!!

People can work with her in a variety of ways through her Leading Edge: Mind Magic Membership, her ICONIC Business Academy , Masterminds, 1:1 Coaching and Retreats.

Senga has also launched her own Oracle Deck available to purchase here: https://amzn.eu/d/476JlGk


Senga Cree Coaching Page



Thank you for joining me today and for listening.

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If you'd love to work with me or find out more about my services then please check out my social media links:



https://www.kellybutchart.com (coming soon)

With permission, intro music by the amazing sacred songstress Stellar Sophia https://stellar1.bandcamp.com/album/divine-harmony-1111-just-intonation

Find more of Stellar's amazing healing music here: https://stellar1.bandcamp.com/

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