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15 seconds

15 seconds

The West Wants Out!

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Today we will be talking about another mind-boggling stupid statement by Justice Minister David Lametti, hinting that the federal government may rescind natural resources rights from the four western provinces. We will also look at how pandemic measures have harmed the learning of our children. It’s not all bad however, the board of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau foundation have resigned en-masse over questionable donations from Chinese government affiliated organizations.
Sun City Silver & Gold: sovereignize@protonmail.com

Zstack Protocol: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=LAURALYNN
☆ We no longer can trust our mainstream media, which is why independent journalists such as myself are the new way to receive accurate information about our world. Thank you for supporting us – your generosity and kindness to help us keep information like this coming! ☆
~ L I N K S ~
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