Isaiah 8: 1- 22 Immanuel, God is with us

1 year ago

With a stern voice from God, do not make alliances with the world. If you choose me I will be your sanctuary against the world. If you choose the world I will lay stumbling blocks before you to stop you. Come to me with a humble heart and resist pride and in the name of Jesus Christ you will be forgiven. Salvation is offered to whosoever will come to the cross, grace is offered to all people, languages, and nations. Do not be deceived, only true peace can come with the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. A stumbling block is laid for all who choose the world and one world order, for those who don't know that the false Christ comes first. With talks of peace and flatteries many will be deceived and declare allegiance to the vile person For my remnant who are faithful and true servants of the living God, if you love Me obey my commandments and keep the faith in Jesus Christ and I will reward you a crown of life and present to you the eternal joy of the Lord.

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