Article Video - Middlemen and Endless False Narratives - Official By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Middlemen and Endless False Narratives - Official - Wednesday, April 12, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court, in regard to our Claims, March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Obviously, the creation of such a situation, wherein the national governments of entire countries have been usurped upon and those countries have been occupied by their own territorial military forces, is anti-intuitive at best.

The situation only makes sense when you realize that these are soldiers hired under contract by the national governments, but they have been operating as commercial mercenaries under the direction of British Crown Corporation Subcontractors, instead.

That is, certain actions undertaken by bankers and lawyers, all undeclared Agents for the British Crown, have created an unintended middleman position for the British Crown Corporation Subcontractors --- a position that they, and their Principals, have secretly abused.

We have yesterday described how the usurping British Territorial personnel left in charge by Abraham Lincoln substituted their own state-of-state organizations for our American service providers, and how they also then illegally and unlawfully seized upon property belonging to our States and created State Trusts to cashier our assets and keep them under their control, to be used and abused for their undisclosed commercial benefit.

We also described how they locked down our accounts in the banking system under the pretense of safeguarding our assets "for" us, which resulted in the so-called "off ledger" accounts. They additionally transferred our gold assets offshore to the Philippines and elsewhere under the same pretense of safekeeping our assets for us. Then they cooked up an excuse, under the Emergency Banking Act of 1934, to borrow our silver at a rate of one Silver Dollar per I.O.U. disguised as a Federal Reserve Note.

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