Mar 27th - Apr 9th (Audio)

1 year ago

[00:00:00] Morgoth's War (Bruce Charlton)

[00:03:19] Mystical-Peak experiences of two kinds - Original- or Final-Participation in Colin Wilson's Super Consciousness (2009) (Bruce Charlton)

[00:09:56] "What am I doing here?" - and why Salvation is Not an answer (Bruce Charlton)

[00:13:37] What's good about The Wheel of Time? Reflections prompted by Blade Runner (Bruce Charlton)

[00:21:48] Intelligence and Vision (William Wildblood)

[00:26:28] What if the absence of "Christian slaves" shows that "slavery" is no longer enforceable? - Guest post from commenter Serhei (Bruce Charlton)

[00:30:33] How did so many people (including far too many Christians) get the idea that Christians regard this mortal life as unimportant? (Bruce Charlton)

[00:34:38] We get what we want in this mortal life (including spiritual enslavement) - but, in the primary context of the life-experiences we need to learn-from (Bruce Charlton)

[00:39:41] What Is the Great Modern Orthodoxy? (William Wildblood)

[00:44:34] Bumping-against the evanescence of this mortal life: the ultimate meaning of Peak Experiences (Bruce Charlton)

[00:49:14] On understanding - the need for simplicity and clarity (Bruce Charlton)

[00:52:59] If every person is innately different, then how come some people strive to be different? (Bruce Charlton)

[01:01:45] Heavenly Parents and the dyadic/ one-creator God - an update (Bruce Charlton)

[01:09:15] Easter Sunday (William Wildblood)

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