2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 101

1 year ago


A quote often misattributed to President Abraham Lincoln states, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms, it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” It’s reportedly paraphrased from his 1838 speech at the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, but regardless of it’s origin, it is absolutely playing out right before our very eyes!

In this episode we will be looking at several ways the globalist power players are creating that very scenario with the assistance of our entire federal government, all our elected federal officials and probably most of our state governments.

This isn’t just a USA matter, which makes it even worse, this is a global issue that is bringing in at an astonishing clip, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The economy will not survive that global destruction of the US dollar, inflation will turn from bad to ugly and we will be faced with a rebuilding task a hundred times worse than in the 1930s. The global power elites and their US puppets will use all this to usher in global controls over our money, our health, our travel and basically every aspect of our lives.

Is this just the culmination of a fallen world where evil rules the world or are these events the unfolding of the Book of Revelation. We have our opinions, but you must decide that for yourselves.

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