13Apr23 Musk Nails BBC on FreeSpeech, But Study Shows Twitter Censorship UP; IMF and BIS Jump Into CBDC

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
Musk organizes 1,000 scientists to call for AI moratorium, but meanwhile purchases 10,000 GPUs to do it himself  2:00
MRCTV Study shows censorship and harshness of punishment on Twitter has increased under Musk  11:48
WATCH what BBC doesn't want you to see where Musk destroys BBC anti-speech "reporter" who wants to accuse him of enabling "hate speech".  (Musk broadcast the interview live on Twitter spaces) 20:15
These are the totally irrelevant parts of the interview BBC wanted to talk about (besides hectoring Musk for not doing enough censorship). 31:11
Both BBC & NPR are infuriated that Musk would label them as government media (i.e., propaganda) — which they OBVIOUSLY are 34:13
Tucker's entire show Tuesday night was a LIVE interview with Trump. WATCH Trump talk about the people who booked him CRYING over having to book him 40:07
"They left the dogs" - Trump's odd comments on Biden's Afghan pull out 53:22
Trump says he "can't hit Gavin" Newsom because Newsom was so nice to him.  1:00:35
America's reserve currency status is evaporating as Biden pushes Russia & China together and now Macro and others are going to China, distancing themselves from an American foreign policy pushing for war over Taiwan 1:16:19
Project Ice Breaker (BIS - Bank of International Settlement), Unicoin (IMF) — everyone wants to create a digital coin to rule us.  Which one will be the world coin? 1:26:46
Elizabeth Warren wants to run against crypto for re-election.  She has always PRETENDED to be for the little people while helping BigBanks & Wall Street 1:49:59
New Age "Mother god" Marxist Demagogue Restored to TN Legislature
WATCH the transformation of Justin Pearson from a businesslike conservative demeanor to his current phony MLK schtick while pushing his New Age Religion & Marxism.  But Governor Lee & the GOP look like they'll give the grifting chameleon everything he demands for gun prohibition. 2:08:27
Calls for Julian Assange's release from elected representatives in Australia, UK, and USA.  What is happening to Assange is a repudiation of the foundation of Western Civilization.  2:27:47
States Jump on EV Bandwagon with Cash, Cronyism, Eminent Domain Confiscating money from taxpayers, confiscating land w/o just compensation, and destroying our privacy & mobility.  How many billions are states (especially in the South) going to lose? 2:53:12

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