Value-First Marketing for Christian Nonprofits and Churches

1 year ago

Every marketer in the world talks about providing value upfront for your audience, but what does that look like in the Christian nonprofit and church space where we're not really selling anything? How do you provide value in an ever-increasing digital age, contextually relevant to how people behave in that space? We're exploring answers to that question in today's video.

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Zach Leighton is the Principal Creative at Reliant Creative, a digital marketing agency for Christian nonprofits and churches. He’s worked in the Christian nonprofit and church space for over a decade and his passion for storytelling is surpassed only by his love for Jesus Christ and his desire to see His Kingdom come. Revelation 12:11 tells us that the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony is what will conquer “him.” And yet, very little of the content the Church is currently creating is story and testimony.

“He who controls the narrative controls the culture.” If we want to have a say in culture, we must lead with story and narrative first.

Church, it’s time to start using story and narrative to our advantage. Our stories are the greatest tool we have, the greatest tool for inspiring people to action, for emotionally engaging a lost world. We have the greatest stories ever told! Death to live transformation. Let’s start testifying of his redemptive work in our lives and the lives of His people.

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