US Leak Suggests Dozens of UK Special Forces Present in Ukraine

1 year ago

1. Leaked US military documents indicated that the UK has deployed as many as 50 special forces to Ukraine.

The documents suggest that more than half of the Western special forces personnel present in Ukraine between February and March this year may have been British, The Guardian reported.

It is unclear what activities the special forces may have been engaged in or whether the numbers of personnel have been maintained at this level.

The UK’s elite military forces, whose activities are normally shrouded in secrecy, comprise multiple units including the Special Air Service (SAS).

The UK government has not disclosed since the beginning of the war that special forces have been active in Ukraine. Prior to Russia’s military operation, in June 2021 the UK Embassy in Kyiv said its special forces had conducted training activities with Ukrainian forces.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) declined to comment on the disclosures or answer questions about UK personnel in Ukraine in recent months. However, in a tweet the department said the leak has “demonstrated a serious level of inaccuracy”.
2. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov acknowledged the possibility that leaks of classified US intelligence documents may be false and are targeted disinformation aimed at misleading Russia.

"We don’t have a position; it may perhaps be interesting for somebody to scrutinize these materials as to whether they are [genuine US] documents, or maybe they are fakes, maybe it’s deliberately targeted disinformation," he told reporters on Wednesday in reply to a question by TASS regarding Moscow’s position on the situation and the potential causes of the leak.

"Given that the US is a party to the conflict and is, essentially, waging a hybrid war against us, it’s possible that such ploys may be used in order to mislead the adversary, that is, the Russian Federation," the senior diplomat noted. "I am not asserting anything; I am simply acknowledging that various scenarios and models are not beyond the realm of possibility here," he added.

"So, probably, specialists would know better how realistic all of this may be. There have been situations previously, which we can recall, where authentic documents did end up in the public domain. This is a fact. But, the extent to which all of this brouhaha, both the publications themselves and everything else, have some kind of grounding in reality, remains an open question for me personally," Ryabkov concluded.[TASS]
VIDEO RT ES: Los datos apuntan a que EE.UU. y la OTAN están masivamente involucrados en el conflicto armado en Ucrania.

No es la primera vez que los medios denuncian que la Alianza Atlántica desarrolla una "guerra secreta" contra Rusia.

Según el viceministro de Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Riabkov, dado que el país norteamericano es parte del conflicto y, de hecho, está librando una guerra híbrida contra la Federación Rusa, no descarta que se trate de una provocación para crear confusión.

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