1 year ago

It's almost 420! So join us as we talk about the plant we all love to smoke, eat, vape and any other way we can use it to get stoned.

The medicinal properties of the cannabis plant have been known for millennia. As far back as 2800 BC, cannabis was used to treat a vast array of health problems and was listed in Emperor Shen Nung's pharmacopoeia.

Cannabis has a long and colourful history. The use of cannabis originated in central Asia or western China. Cannabis has been used for its alleged healing properties for millennia. The first documented case of its use dates back to 2800 BC, when it was listed in the Emperor Shen Nung's (regarded as the father of Chinese medicine) pharmacopoeia.

Early uses of marijuana were largely medicinal, and it was used to treat things like inflammation, malaria, gout, depression, nausea, as an anesthetic and even to suppress sexual desires. Still, there is evidence that some cultures used the psychoactive component of marijuana (THC) for rituals or religious ceremonies.

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