Putin Is Very Desperate For The First Time: Russian People Are In The Streets Against Putin!

1 year ago

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How much power does the people have? This question has long been debated by political scientists. In democratic countries the people are very powerful. When the demands of the people are not implemented, the government faces a major crisis. But what happens in countries like Russia?

Democracy is not practiced well in Russia. This makes it slow for the demands of the Russian people to reach politicians. But the Russian people are still trying to voice their demands. Putin is very worried about the massive protests in Russia. Because the reaction of the people has always been decisive throughout world history. Even in the years when there was no democracy, kings were deposed when the people revolted. Putin thinks that if the Russian people start a big revolt, he might be removed from office.

Putin has an even bigger fear! The possibility of the Russian people taking over the Kremlin palace after a big protest scares Putin very much! That's why he is cracking down very hard on all protests. But the Russian people never give up! There have been very creative actions in Russia today. These protests are very much supported by the Russian people! Putin is very worried about what is happening! As ANKA Daily News team, we investigated the details of these creative actions in Russia for you! Our team's expert staff analyzed these events! Don't forget to support independent journalism to continue such news. You can use the "Super Thanks" button below the video! If you are ready, let's start!

The protests in Russia have long been the talk of the world. Because Russian protesters have been doing everything to continue their protests since the beginning of the war! The Putin administration is trying to arrest all the protesters. But despite this, the protesters never give up! Their courage is admired all over the world!

After Putin decided to invade Ukraine, Russian protesters immediately wanted to organize a protest march in Red Square. But the Russian police intervened very harshly and arrested everyone! After that, the Russian people decided to protest in a different way. Two methods were decided for this!

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