KNIFEMAN SEIZED: Machete-Wielding Suspect Arrested During Burglary Investigation

1 year ago

This is the dramatic moment officers arrest a machete-wielding suspect who tried to flee after police responded to a commercial burglary alarm.

The incident began when the alarm sounded off at a South Hill orthodontist's office in Pierce County, in the US State of Washington on 25th March.

Upon arrival, the deputy saw a man exiting the business and ordered him to stop and show his hands.

However, the suspect refused and walked away, revealing a machete tucked in his sleeve.

The deputy followed the suspect, maintaining distance while using de-escalation tactics.

When the suspect armed himself with the machete, the deputy requested a less-lethal backup and a K9 unit.

Backup arrived, and the deputies fired less-lethal bean bag rounds at the suspect, but they proved ineffective.

After a continued foot chase and additional less-lethal rounds, the suspect finally surrendered.

The 27-year-old man was arrested and booked into jail on charges of first-degree burglary, resisting arrest, and obstructing.

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