Psalm 42 v1-4 of 11 "As pants the deer for flowing streams" Tune: Rockingham/Communion. Sing Psalms.

1 year ago

Psalm 42 v1-4 of 11 "As pants the deer for flowing streams"
Tune: Rockingham/Communion.
Sing Psalms.
Falkirk Free Church
images: based on The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia by David Roberts

Some think this should be one psalm along with 43 for the reasons including the refrain (not sung here):

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why are you so disturbed in me?
Trust God, for I will praise him yet;
My Saviour and my God is he.

This psalm opens Book 2 of the psalms which goes from 42-72.


1 As pants the deer for flowing streams,
So longs my soul, O God, for you.
2 I thirst for God, the living God;
When can I meet with God anew?

3 My tears have been my constant food
Both in the night and in the day,
While all day long insistently,
“Where is this God of yours?” they say.

4 As I pour out my soul in grief,
These things I do remember still:
How with the multitude I went
Up to God’s house on Zion hill.

In their procession I would lead
As we approached with cheerful song
And shouts of joy and thankfulness,
Rejoicing with the festive throng.

5 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why are you so disturbed in me?
Trust God, for I will praise him yet;
My Saviour and my God is he.

6 My soul within me is depressed;
I therefore will recall you still
From Jordan’s land, from Hermon’s heights
And from the top of Mizar hill.

7 Deep calls to deep, as with a roar
Your waterfalls cascading roll.
Your waves and breakers fall on me;
They overwhelm my very soul.

8 By day the LORD directs his love;
His song remains with me at night—
A prayer to him who is my God,
My only source of life and light.

9 This I will say to God my Rock,
“Why have you so forgotten me?
Why must I go about in grief,
Downtrodden by the enemy?”

10 My bones in mortal agony
Are groaning, while my en’mies say,
“Wherever is this God of yours?”
They scoff at me throughout the day.

11 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why are you so disturbed in me?
Trust God, for I will praise him yet;
My Saviour and my God is he.

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