US aids Burkina Faso's fight, battling extremists day and night #usmilitary #burkinafaso

1 year ago

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The Biden administration has been quietly assisting Burkina Faso's ruling junta in its battle against extremist groups, including al Qaeda and the Islamic State, in West Africa. Despite US laws prohibiting most security aid to military regimes, the administration has found ways to provide support to the Burkinabe commandos without running afoul of these laws.

One of the ways the US has been providing support is by including Burkinabe commandos in American-led exercises. However, the US has also excluded the top officer of Burkina Faso from an international gathering of defense chiefs following the military takeover last year. Additionally, while the Pentagon has stationed a team of US Green Berets in the capital city of Ouagadougou, they have not been allowed to train their local counterparts.

Burkina Faso has been facing a significant security threat from extremist groups, particularly in the Sahel region of West Africa. The country has seen a surge in attacks over the past few years, leading to a humanitarian crisis with hundreds of thousands of people being displaced from their homes.

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