Police bodycam released of Laguna Beach city manager Shohreh Dupuis traffic stop for cell phone use

1 year ago

Laguna Beach officials released body camera footage of a traffic stop involving city manager Shohreh Dupuis after she was stopped on Coast Highway in Laguna Beach on Nov. 16, 2022 for driving while holding her cell phone on speaker mode.

The city released the body camera footage in response to a public records request, the city said. Laguna Beach City Council members authorized the release of body-worn camera footage captured by Laguna Beach Police Officer Matt Gregg on Thursday.

The traffic stop resulted in a $160 ticket — which was paid by Dupuis after it was issued — the city said.

“The City of Laguna Beach has been responsive to questions regarding the traffic stop involving City Manager Shohreh Dupuis,” Mayor Bob Whalen said. “Video footage and records show that this was a simple traffic citation and not consequential to City operations. Our City Manager works hard for us every day and is doing an outstanding job. She has my full support to continue as our City Manager and with the great work that she is doing for the City.”

He went on to say that Dupuis has his "full support" to continue her work as City Manager.

The video footage shows the complete interaction that transpired between the Officer Gregg and Dupuis.

“I want to make it clear that I am not making light of this traffic ticket and I want to commend the officer who pulled me over and observed my phone in my hand,” Dupuis said. “Although I was using it on speaker to make a voice call, I was holding it, admitted I was using it while driving and the citation I received was warranted. He did the right thing by stopping me and issuing me a citation. Distracted driving is a serious issue, and I have been much more conscious of it.”

According to the video of the traffic stop, when asked whether she was using her phone to make a call, Ms. Dupuis stated that she was on the phone with Jeff Calvert, Chief of Police for the Laguna Beach Police Department.

While the officer initially placed a call and determined that Dupuis was not on the phone with Calvert, further investigation showed that a misunderstanding between the police officer and the chief occurred and that she was on the phone with Calvert at the time of the stop.

“When reviewing call logs from the time of the traffic stop, it directly corresponds with when I was on the phone with the City Manager,” Chief Calvert said. “Though there was a misunderstanding by the officer that Dupuis was in fact talking with me at the time of the traffic stop, who she was talking with does not matter. Officer Gregg did the right thing by issuing a citation, and I stand behind his work keeping our City safe. This is an excellent reminder to all of us to keep ourselves and others safe by putting down our cell phones while driving.”

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