Boys Beer and Boycotts

1 year ago

How did we let our culture get in the shape it’s in today? From boys wanting to be girls, to beer company’s exalting boys that want to be girls, to boycotts of beers because they exalted boys that want to be girls. Confusing, isn’t it?

On this episode I want to take a brief look at the recent controversy surrounding Dylan Mulvaney. Mulvaney is a transgender person who claims to be a woman but is actually a man. Bud Light has endorsed Dylan Mulvaney along with Nike, Crest, and other major companies.

Because of this, many people are boycotting Bud Light and Nike. It’s caused an uproar on social media, and everyone has something to say. But is a simple boycott enough to change the landscape of our culture? I say no.
The only thing that we need to be doing is proclaiming the gospel with boldness and asking God to save those who are far off. The gospel brings fort true, everlasting change within a person, so we must stop sitting idly by and doing and saying nothing.

On this episode I also review a video by @bodittle, a Youtuber who goes into the teeth of pride fests and asks questions. On this video he encounters progressive “Christians,” and asks them biblical questions. We will use this video as a tool to help us understand ways to engage people with this thought process.

In the end, I will explain why we have gotten into this situation as a culture and what we can do to see it change.
#budlight #beer #transgenderism

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