A perceived smart choice turned into a lifelong regrets

1 year ago

A perceived smart choice turned into a lifelong regrets. If I were allowed to choose again today, I would definitely not be in a country like the US that hates people of color, especially Chinese. Western countries are like ugly woman with heavy makeup, don't get too close or it will scare you to death. 惜日環境以為是聰明的選擇卻是成為一輩子的後悔. 今天如果再容許我再選, 一定不會到像美國那樣的種族仇恨有色人種尤其是中國人的國家. 西方國家就像一個化了濃妝的極醜陋女人, 千萬不要走太近否則嚇死你.

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