Military Tribute - "I'm Coming Home"

1 year ago

#militarywife #homecoming #kindness

There are quiet moms, and there are loud Moms. If you’re coming home after being deployed overseas for way too long, and you’ve got one of those loud Moms…Do your neighbors a favor and close the windows before you surprise her.

There’s a moment when you see that special someone that’s been away for too long, where everything else in the world simply doesn’t matter anymore, and you’re filled with pure joy at the very sight of them. This is one of those beautiful moments.

There may be no more of a striking figure than a Marine in his dress blues. The only thing more moving is when that Marine is your son back from boot camp to tell his Dad, I made it. I’m a Marine now. I did it pop. I did it for you.

Our boy Luke here is about to go on a roller coaster of emotions with this next reunion. He’s about to go from “Oh no, why is there a cop asking to see my bag?” to “heartwarming surprise” almost in an instant. Let’s watch it play out.

Brothers and their little Sisters have a special, unique, and unbreakable bond. We’re about to see that on full display as big bro decides to drop in unexpectedly to see his little sister after returning from a long deployment.

This next one gets extra points for the use of a well placed teddy bear when we witness the touching return of a Husband to his Wife after a separation of a year and a half. Imagine being apart from your spouse for that long. What would that hug feel like? Pretty good, I’d imagine.

As far as these reunions go, they come in 2 varieties…Public and private. Here we see the surprise reunion taking center stage during a performance in front of a raucous crowd only too willing to cheer on their comrade as he embraces his Wife and 5 children after finally returning home.

In this touching moment, this Military veteran and Father to a current soldier isn’t going to let his illness or that wheelchair stop him from standing at attention and saluting his Son upon hisreturn from active duty.
Sometimes the surprise return of your loved one from deployment will result in the Mom, Wife,kids, or what have you.. having to go through a few before they actually accept what’sreally happening. The first stage is always disbelief. Here’s a great example.

286 days of deployment and separation from his Grandma are about to be over in an instant.That old gal is about to be smiling from ear to ear with the whole family there to celebrate with her.

Let’s not forget the 4 legged family members left behind when their owners go overseas. What do you think the chances are that Murphy the dog here is going to be able to contain himself when finally reunited with his long lost best friend? See for yourself.

This one is guaranteed to have you reaching for the kleenex when what this girl thought was just another day at work quickly turns into a day she’ll never forget when her brother shows up to surprise her ahead of her graduation day.

There may be no greater love shared than that between a Father and his son. Here we get to join in and see that love explode with a mighty bear hug when a Father gets to wrap his arms around his hero son finally back safely after putting himself in danger to protect his country.

If your son or daughter is in the Navy, long separations while they’re out at sea are something you will have to accept. Although acceptance is one thing, getting used to it is another. So when they magically pop up while you’re out enjoying a meal, that’s going to result in instant tears of joy.

No matter how long your Dad is away serving in God knows what part of the world, one thing a young boy will never forget, is the sound of his voice.

This emotional and touching reunion is brought to us with the help of the Boston Bruins professional Hockey team setting the stage for this young boy to leap into his Father’s waiting arms after what must have seemed like forever.

Hey Grandma…I hope you baked enough cookies. You’re going to need them because your Grandson’s going to be very hungry after being at sea serving in the Navy for all that time. That is, if that hug will ever end.

Coming off the field after a football game…you may not be the most aware of your surroundings. Which means you might have to look twice or maybe even 3 times to make sure if that’s your Dad or not just standing there in the locker room. But when it hits, it hits hard.

Thank you for coming along with us on the rollercoaster of emotions that these reunions naturally are. And thank you to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and their families for being gracious enough to share their most intimate moments with us so we can all honor their sacrifice and delight in the love they share together. Now please, hit the like button, andsubscribe to our channel. And be sure to meet us right back here for more. See you next time

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