Rhema April 11, 2023 ❤️ Selfish Use of Time, Rapture, Powers of the Air and Fight against the Elite

1 year ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2017/05/25/egoistische-zeitnutzung-a-selfish-use-of-time-could-cost-you-the-rapture/
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Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Selfish Use of Time, Rapture, Powers of the Air & Fight against Elite

May 18, 2017 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “As I have told you once before, My Beloved, to every move of God three demons are assigned… Fear, Doubt and Scrutiny. These bring with them the necessary smaller demons to undermine your work and your destiny. Doubt brings Unbelief. Fear brings Lying spirits of failure, accusing you of your past. And telling you that you’ll be a failure in the future, just like you’ve been in the past. Scrutiny carries with it all kinds of insecurities about the nature of the work you’re doing, its quality. Is there time enough to do it? Do you have the resources? Are you lacking talent? Obstacles like sickness, evasive spirits of confusion and disorientation are the kinds of things that Scrutiny bring with it.

“The powers of the air are like filthy slime balls that weep a noxious goo over your mind and body, if you will allow it. You have to break through and clean yourself off. They work on you while you are asleep, so that when you awake you feel lost and falling under the weight of life.

“First thing in the morning you must cast these imaginings down and declare My promises to you. Yes, you may also call upon Me to cleanse you and remove them, but that leaves you with the hard work of confessing the truth once the lies are dislodged. I like very much what we were discussing in the spirit when you thought you were talking to yourself. You’d think by now you’d recognize that we are carrying on a conversation, Clare!

“You were concerned about little hints here and there I’ve been giving you on the Rapture. What I mean to say here, Beloved, is that it is still on the schedule. I will not comment one way or another about timing – so don’t bother to go fishing. I will tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it.

“But this is a truth… there are many channels talking about this catastrophe, that failure, this bomb, that EMP attack, North Korea. Comets and tsunamis and first air strike from them or us. The chatter is all over the place! But thank you for not giving in to curiosity and remaining securely in My presence. Oh, thank you for that, My Bride.

“But here is what I want to say. My dear ones, you may look all over the internet and get the latest dream, latest warning, breaking circumstances, on and on and on engineered to keep you chasing your tails. Now, if you take instead the opportunity to fast and pray, because these reports are scary, well… good for you.

“But if you keep stocking up food and preparing, you’ve lost the focus I had for you. May I say it again for the umpteenth time? I want you gathering in souls in the ways I have counseled you in the most recent messages.

“Yes, the Rapture will happen. Everyone is talking about it and predicting when. Isn’t it amazing that none of these tsunami warnings and other things – like comets – are not happening? It’s almost as if they were non-existent.


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