Miles Guo exposed the origin of COVID and that CCP has infiltrated the U.S. in many aspects

1 year ago

04/08/2023【 #FreeMilesGuoRally】​​#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang Kevin Alan: Miles Guo exposed the origin of COVID. He also exposed that CCP has infiltrated the U.S. in many aspects, and many corrupt U.S. politicians across the country have colluded with CCP. The blue-collar must hold them accountable, and the CCP will go down with our efforts.

04/08/2023【 #释放郭文贵全球联动抗议】#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 凯文·阿兰:郭文贵先生揭露了中共病毒来源的真相,他也揭露了中共对美国很多方面进行渗透,全美很多腐败政客与中共串通。美国蓝领阶层需要向这些腐败的政客追责。通过我们的共同努力,中共一定会被消灭。

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