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April Arcanum: Low Fantasy, High Magic - Around the Hearth 2023

1 year ago

“Technically he said X-files, but we get the idea.”
~ Adam

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@Avenue Studios

00:00 Welcome and Chat Topic
00:21 Announcements
05:46 Levi's Spotlight: DM Tales
06:59 When Magic Shows Up, It Shows Up
10:16 Unaware Muggles, and Rarity
15:09 Scale In Impact
16:57 Clarifying Definitions
20:40 Finding The Feel
24:11 Self-segregating Societies
27:15 Make “Things” Matter
29:05 Accessibility and Cost
31:11 X-men, X-files, and MiB
32:37 Final Thoughts
38:51 Outro
39:11 Bloopers and Outtakes

Hotel California (Medieval Style) from Grim MeeP YT channel by Cornelius Link
The Friendly Arms Inn from Baldur’s Gate (PC)
Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Film 2002)
Dry Land Music from Digimon World 4 (PS2)
Mother Earth of Dishonesty part 1 from Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast)
Clean Hit from Breath of Fire II (SNES)
Opening from Sorcerian (PC88/98)
Romanesca from Braid (XBox360)
Winds Over Neo Tokyo from AKIRA (Film 1988)
A Gentle Breeze on the Plains from Albert Odyssey Gaiden (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive)
Death Mountain Fez from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Gamecube)
The Dalish Elves Encampment from Dragon Age Origins (PC)
Ecolove from Dune (Amiga)
Temple of Ascention Theme – long version from Street Fighter V (PS4)
Sakura’s Feelings from Rival Schools United by Fate (PSX)
Infinite Perspective by Kevin Macleod (Album)
To God Be The Glory from Music Box Hymns (Album)

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