Be last to become first (Laboring in the vineyard Matthew 20:1-16)

1 year ago

Be last to become first (Laboring in the vineyard Matthew 20:1-16)

I grew up playing sports, so I obviously had a competitive nature and did not ever like to lose. If you are not first, then your last and second place is just the first loser is mantras that I heard of a regular basis as everyone’s goal was to be first. This type of mindset drives individuals to compete at a higher level because they are never satisfied with anything less than being in first place. This attitude can be beneficial to an athlete in motivating themselves to be their very best and to never settle but this mind set in the counter intuitive to anyone in the Kingdom of God. Jesus says in verse 16 of Matthew 20 that the last shall be first and the first will be last in the Kingdom. This parable primarily dealt with individuals who was upset that someone received something that they didn’t think they deserved or earned. They did not understand how they worked very hard for what they had obtained but the same was just handed to someone who did very little. Jesus simply closed out this teaching on the Kingdom by saying that we should not be afraid to be last, we should not be jealous of what others receive, and we should not be afraid to serve others. Jesus Himself stepped down from the throne of Heaven to an earthly manger so he could serve the very ones that He spoke into existence.
The nature and heart of a servant is one that is highly valued in the Kingdom of God. The individual who purposely gets in the back of the line to make sure that everyone else is served and that there is plenty is valued. The mom who never gets to eat a hot meal because she is making sure her family has everything they want, and need is valued. The daddy who wears worn out clothes and works long hours so this family can have everything they want, and need is valued. There is great value in loving and serving those around you, the world may not acknowledge it or reward it, but the kingdom of God will. The eternal promise that all those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior will receive is to live in the eternal presence of God in Heaven. Our society says that we should strive to be in the front of the line, but the Kingdom of God says the humble hearted servant will gladly let everyone go before them. We do not get our feelings hurt or upset when someone gets something we think we deserve or they do not deserve, we simply rejoice with those rejoicing and weep with those who are weeping. (Romans 12:15) Being last is okay if it means we have put others in front of us to love and serve them, this is the example Jesus set for us and the standard we should all live up to.

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