Can this really help with meditation? 🧘🏻‍♂️ Pranayama Tip #4

1 year ago

Pranayama Tip 4. Bridge into Meditation
One of the many, many benefits of pranayama, is that it is a multi-dimensional practice, because it is the connection, a bridge, between the body and the mind. In Raja Yoga, it is right in the middle of the 8-Step Scientific System to achieving the highest states of Samadhi, or Bliss, or the experience of Yoga, Union, via "the restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff." When you consciously breathe, and, particularly, when you breathe slowly, deeply, and in a calm manner, while being still, this has the effect of slowing down the mind, as well as the body. Take this example: If you have a bowl of water, and you splash the water a little bit, making waves, what should you do to bring the water back to a peaceful state? You simply wait it out, and let it be, leave it alone. If you do not introduce new disturbances to the water in the bowl, the water will calm down by itself. Similarly, the mind is like this. This is the power of meditation. Unfortunately , a lot of us find ourselves really wound up from our daily stresses and thoughts, and find it very difficult to unwind and settle into a meditative state to refresh ourselves. This is where the powerful and potent practices of pranayama come into play. Using this bridge between body, energy, and mind, you can regulate your breathing, which applies a brake to your thoughts, which allows your mind to calm down, because there are less and less thoughts arising as you practice, due to your body and mind being in a much more relaxed and peaceful state. I highly recommend practicing pranayama after any physical poses, and before you start your meditative practice. Enjoy!
Peace and joy, love and light! Blessings,
- Immortal CORE Yoga

This series of Shorts videos offers fun and helpful pranayama tips, to help improve your yoga practice, and your daily life experience! Learn more about pranayama and breathing exercises here:

#breathing #pranayama #yoga

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