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Pork belly to Bacon - Part 1

2 years ago

Why it is important to USE curing salts vs just plain salt when curing bacon:

Cure calculator: http://www.diggingdogfarm.com/page2.html

Where to find curing salt:
Amazon- Hoosier Hill Farm Prague Powder No. 1 Pink Curing Salt

If you have never used curing salts before, please read my additional warning regarding the storage (see below)!

For those panicking about seeing sugar in the cure, it is needed for food safety as an antimicrobial and to keep the meat from becoming a dry uneatable husk. We do rinse the salt/sugar brine off after it’s been cured, this is not like "black forest bacon" which uses a sugar cure to infuse sugar INTO the bacon. So overall, no sugar harm done.

Part 2 will be next weekend! PLEASE make sure to follow the proper curing steps and wait the minimum of 8 days to cure. It can sit in the cure for longer (Mine will end up 9 days this go around) just NOT less than 8 days... That said, it is best not to let it sit there for 2 weeks or more.

Curing salts CANNOT be used as regular salt. This is why the salt has been colored pink, please keep this in safe areas away from kids/animals AND read the instructions on the container!!!

I have no affiliation with any of the above-mentioned companies or products.

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