|| Dog rescue house traning video part - 1 traning your puppy in house||🐕🐕

1 year ago

|| Dog rescue house traning video part - 1 traning your puppy in house|| 🐕🐕

Why should we train our dogs?
Any ideas why training your dog is important? Before you start making up justifications, here is what dog trainers and animal behaviorists are saying.

1. It increases your bond.
The bond between military members and their service dogs is one of the strongest you will witness. For example, many service dogs hold top honors for outstanding service to their handlers. It results from hours of training sessions with their handler and complete trust in each other.

Like most humans, dogs also need time to adapt to their new surroundings. You can make the transition easier by teaching your dog a few simple tricks and rewarding them for each successful attempt. Eventually, your continuous interaction results in undying loyalty from your pup.

2. They need mental stimulation.
Have you heard of the Why phase in children? It is when your child starts questioning everything and can wander off at any moment. Gladly, it is only temporary for humans but lasts a lifetime for dogs. Therefore, teaching new skills is a sure way of stimulating your puppy’s brain

3. Everyone loves a well-trained dog.
Imagine your dog taking out the trash or bringing you the morning paper? Some of the most viewed online dog videos feature them performing amazing tasks. Currently, there is no video showing a dog performing an organ transplant. However, you will find dog training videos of puppies performing emergency CPR.

A well-trained puppy fits naturally in social settings and gets along with most of its canine buddies. This is because, you are continuously re-enforcing their positive behavior and rewarding them for their mastery. As such, your puppy is less anxious in new settings and can handle itself appropriately.

4. It makes boarding your dog easier.
Dog boarding is when you let your neighbors take care of your dog when you are away. Puppies that receive continuous training are easier to leave with your loved ones. This is because part of dog training involves introducing them to your friends. Dogs recognize their environment through smell. Therefore, these interactions allow them to differentiate between safe and dangerous environments.

5. Dog training is essential to your puppy’s safety.
How can you manage your dog when the leash breaks? According to experts, voice commands are crucial to controlling an unrestrained puppy. Therefore, train your dog to obey different voice commands regularly. It may be what saves them from serious harm.

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