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Sovereign Baank with Ray Brown

1 year ago

f you have your money in a traditional bank you know it is a matter of time before big changes happen. We need to take steps as we cross the bridge into our original jurisdiction and Ray is offering a powerful exit strategy that allows you to stay in control of your money.
To learn more about Sovereign Baank
Contact Ray Brown at ray@sovereignbaank.com
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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Thank you all for your time and work. Full disclosure I did not make it through Ray's presentation. I am all in with some kind of parallel system but since I trust absolutely no one these days I would need to have more experience with this idea and see it in action for a significant amount of time before committing? I know that time is of the essence but the similarities to the existing system don't sit right in my gut. The dollar, all types of dollars (fiat) as we know them will cease to exist in a short period of time. Now in the big picture I don't know much but from my past few years of study, crypto currency in absolutely Not what is being claimed? This idea of block chain is a nice and fluffy idea but unfortunately from what I've "heard" and researched it is definitely traceable, hackable and controllable, I am totally out if there is any kind of buy in to this thinking. Ray talks about following all the rules and regulations and unfortunately "they" created all the rules, regulations and guidelines and can change them at will and shut this down in a blink of an eye leaving everyone vulnerable. It's a noble thought and idea but if a "system" is created it must not depend in any way, shape or form to the existing "system" even though it would be difficult to implement due to non acceptance from the masses because it is different and not like anything we've seen before. This idea in my opinion is another control system? We give our power away to someone or something else and they decide what to do with it. In the informational there's a clause that says "we will not freeze accounts without notice to share holders", seems innocuous enough but at a certain level it is the definition of control. Ray seems like a nice guy but in reality lets be honest stands to benefit immensly. I don't have any answers and of course it is easy to be critical of someone else's ideas but didn't see anyone commenting here and thought this might generate a bit of a discussion on this?