100%Absolute Regeneration Subliminal 🌙

1 year ago

This was a collab between me and Bethany 1989. Bethany 1989 sent me affirmations to her original regeneration subliminal. I thought the affirmations were light in terms of giving the body and your cells regeneration and healing abilities so I added my own affirmations into Bethany’s original script. Here is Bethany’s original video of this subliminal: https://youtu.be/Nlemx6i4bEc

Anyway, the goal of this subliminal audio is to give you absolute regeneration abilities. You will be immune to death and you will gain all of the T 1000’s(the main antagonist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day)powers and abilities. Your cells, DNA, and Chromosomes will all have absolute regeneration powers, abilities, and traits. Here is more info:
🌙 Manifest Absolute Regeneration and Healing Powers
🌙Become immortal, live an endless lifespan, and never die
🌙Manifest all of the T 1000’s powers and abilities
🌙Completely Immune to all viruses, diseases, and pathogens
🌙Instantly Regenerate from injuries
🌙Perfect and Optimal health
🌙Revert back to being young and remain a teenager forever physically
🌙Manifest supernatural hearing, vision, strength, and intelligence
🌙Enchanting And Magical Regeneration Powers
🌙Immediately heal and regenerate at the cellular level
🌙Perfect breathing and supernatural blood circulation
🌙Blood has regenerative properties
🌙Supernatural healing factor
🌙Have the power to regrow or regenerate any aspect of your body(examples of this are regrowing your head or hands)
🌙Rapidly Recover from any amount of damage
🌙DNA has 100%Absolute Regenerative Properties
🌙Regenerate Faster Than The Speed Of Light And Sound
🌙Recover from any amount of damage in seconds
🌙+All of Bethany 1989’s original affirmations

*As always results may very since we are all different, but if you start to get a headache then it is highly recommended that you take a break and drink plenty of water.

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