1 year ago


Robert Bowes
Current Advisor with the Heritage Foundation and Consultant in Election Fraud Issues & Banking Expert,
Previously: Director, Fannie Mae; Executive Office Senior Advisor for Policy to President Donald J. Trump, Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (FHA program) & Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

Preston Munguia
Business Consultant to Hispanic Churches, Former Liaison with Dan Cox Campaign to the Hispanic Community

Discussion covered:

Election finance and the movement of money through Act Blue as reported by James O'Keefe, with O'Keefe Media Group (OMG). Discoveries in the FEC (Federal Election Commission) data, as discovered by the team associated with the Lois Gibson v. Maryland case, referred to as The Gibson Group, supported by Peter Bergman, show multiple individuals' names associated with thousands of small donations, totaling excessive amounts in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Donors were interviewed on video and denied making all of the donations that were reported in their name. This indicates possible Maryland election finance fraud which is being further investigated. Donations to support this legal effort to uncover the truth can be made at www.CharltonScientific.org.

Banking and currency changes due to Biden Administration Executive Order # 14067 (March 9, 2022). Possible options include crypto current, QFS (Quantum Financial System) currency, and asset backed currency.

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