Bill Gates Says "China's Rise" is a "Huge Win for the World"

1 year ago

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said that China's rise is a "huge win for the world" during an interview in Australia on Monday (Jan. 23).

Gates made the comment during an interview with the Lowy Institue, a think tank based in Sydney, Australia.

"I tend to see China's rise as a huge win for the world," Gates said.

His comments about the communist country came in response to a question asking Gates how "bullish" he was on China.

While painting China's rise positively, Gates acknowledged that the country is "not a democracy," and is an "outlier today in terms of that level of wealth and still being as autocratic as they are."

During the interview, Gates also said that the U.S. is politically in a weak state, adding that countries like China need to play a bigger role in world governance.

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