Affirmations: I Am a Starseed Magician.

1 year ago

The Power of Affirmations...

Affirmations address the unconscious mind directly. This is the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think, the words you speak, the choices you make, and the everyday actions you take. The unconscious mind is the part of you that generates and regenerates your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. The unconscious mind is mostly responsible for creating your reality. Allow this affirmation track to go deep into your body, deep into the cells, deep into the beliefs you hold, deep into your fluid energy field.

"I am a Starseed Magician. I am here in this ascending dimension of struggle and hardship to birth a new reality. A reality of higher light, of higher consciousness, of higher potential. I have come to liberate others to their true power and light. I am a pioneer in this ascension process. I am a reality creator......"

(This is a remastered track originally uploaded Jan 2020).

Music by Soundstripe.

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