Calloused Hands

7 years ago

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This grew out of a collaboration with fine people on the Greasytales facebook page:

I'm planning/hoping to run more collabs in the future so like the page if you want to join in.

If you like this sort of thing, consider becoming my patron:

I can't find where to buy lotion, for my calloused hands,
To get the seamless cream-filled touch, that my passion demands,
I've searched far and wide across these crusty lands,
I've tried drug, super, furniture and pet stores, they don't stock my brand.

Cracked and dry, gods please hear my cry make me moist or I may die.
Can't wait for long. With calloused hands I cannot stand to touch my dong.

I want to glide like a penguin, pulling it like a tendon,
Within my hands I hold pure pleasure; I rub it extra for good measure,
A seamless piston motion,
Briny as the saltiest deep.

Contributors: James Brooks, Peter Thomson, Robert Antonello, Jamie Bell, Chris Svenson, Colin Lacativa, Andrew Zhu, wmfivethree

Watch on Vessel:

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