The Birth of the New Human. How does the new Self arise from the old?

1 year ago

The painting "The New Human" was created in 2021 during the pandemic, a time of severe social crisis, governmental persecution, division in the media, and the ensuing division within the individual and, consequently, in myself.
I asked myself:
Do I want to be a part of this division?
What can be done to bridge this gap?
Where can I go, and where should we go from here?
What have I learned, and what have we, as humans, learned as a result of this?

What is the new human, who emerges as a result of these experiences?
After the events of these crisis years, what kind of new world do we want to create?

I went to my studio and started working on this painting as a way for me to personally investigate and process these questions.
In this video, you can also for the first time witness the work's gradual creation process and comprehend how the final theme gradually crystallized via painting, as well as learn to what answers painting has lead me as a means of reflection and insight.


The presented art work:
Anemona Crisan
The New Human, acrylic, ink on canvas, 100 x 80 cm/32.37 x 31.50 in , 2021

You are interested in this art work and want to inquire if it is available for purchase? Get in touch via eMail:

00:00 Intro
00:53 Art Work " The New Human": first have a look at the painting on your own
01:52 What can we see in this painting? Where is the human?
04:07 What triggered me to make this painting?
04:59 Art and painting as a means to explore questions and find answers
05:32 Self-restriction and self-liberation as a birthing process of the New Human
11:33 Making Of of the Painting "The New Human"
15:29 Where are YOU becoming a New Human?
17:27 Closing statement, Credits and a longer view on the art work.

This video is part of the Series:

Alchemical Artworks & Inner Transformation
Video series with artist lectures on the subject of „Light & Transformation“.

In this series I continue with the exploration of the dynamics between light and darkness, by focusing on our own inner light, as fire or life force.
Throughout this series I will present you a selection of my art works that you can use as "metaphysical tools" to perceive, explore and expand your own inner fire, which is the source of both, your creative and destructive power, a transformative energy that you can use to create and to destroy yourself or the world around you. This is why it is so critical to become conscious of your inner fire and use it wisely.

It is through the art works that I’m presenting in these videos, that I myself embarked on the journey of exploration of my inner fire and its transformative power of creation and destruction. And in this series I will share with you a selection of art works that address this topic.



Find out more on my art as a metaphysical tool for self discovery in my MANIFESTO for a NEW ART entitled BEARTHUMANITY: BEARTHUMANITY – Manifesto for a NEW ART by ANEMONA CRISAN

THANK YOU for your support!
Thank you very much for the interest in my works and projects and this channel! I appreciate your support in any way that is possible for you: via sharing, following, donating. The latter is now possible via Paypal:

Copyright: Video by Anemona Crisan, 2023.
Copyright free Music: by CO.AG Music: / @co.agmusic1823

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