This New is WAY Better!

1 year ago

This New is WAY Better!

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Luke 24:1-52

Many things changed on resurrection Sunday.
Have you considered how many old things Jesus made new?

What was the last feast / meal in Hebrew custom that Jesus ate with the disciples? Passover. What was Passover about?
The whole happening – the original Passover, and the feast celebration all pointed to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

From a Christian viewpoint, what do we call this last meal that Jesus ate with His disciples? The Lord’s supper, last supper, or Communion.

What is the meaning of communion? Koinonia = partnership, fellowship.
At the moment of Jesus’ death, the vail in the temple was torn from top to bottom.

That is significant. Not bottom to top but top to bottom signifying that it was God who tore the vail. Why? So we could access the presence of God.
He didn’t want to live separated from His children any longer.

We don’t worship Him at a distance, but go into His presence and have communion / fellowship.

In Luk.22:20 Jesus said "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.”
Hebrews says it is a better covenant with better promises. 8:6

At the moment we receive Jesus into our lives, the Holy Spirit comes to abide, live, reside with us. That’s WAY better!

I find it interesting that the first thing Jesus did when met with His followers was to sit down to a meal with them.

At the Last Supper, Jesus instructed us to take communion together.
Every time we have communion, we make a proclamation. What?
1Co.11:26 “…you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.”

Communion has a three-fold aspect:
It looks back and remembers the cross.
It looks ahead in hope as we wait for the day we will eat with Jesus in Heaven.
It centers on now – He is not just past, not just future, but present.
His presence, His promises are NOW, TODAY! WAY BETTER!!!

Communion Time. 1 Cor.11:23b-29

Luk.24:35 “He was known to them in the breaking of bread.”

What made them believers? Personal experience with Jesus.
The empty tomb and hearing the angelic message was enough to cause them to marvel, but it was the personal interaction with the risen Jesus that made the difference.

Nothing can be more convincing than personally experiencing Jesus for yourself.

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