Kundalini Love Unification Transmission - A Restoration of 5D Unity Consciousness

6 years ago

For thousands of years there has been an artificially created split between spirit and matter, soul and body, and the masculine and feminine. These schisms are at the heart of 3D separation consciousness. This transmission begins the process of healing separation consciousness so that we can open to 5D unity consciousness. (This recording was made at a live event in London, February 2017, by Steve Ahnael Nobel. It has been remastered to improve audio and visual quality).

Humanity is now opening to a new level of consciousness, releasing the old paradigm of fear and separation to embrace the collective potential of unity consciousness. This state of being connects us to a new timeline, one that steers us away from collective disaster. This state of being connects us to Source and helps us transcend old negative programs.

In this transmission there is a clearing of old sexual energies, past lovers, a release of all sexual energy that limits/dims your connection to your inner light. This transmission proceeds to activate a unification of the vertical axis (Heaven and Earth) and the horizontal axis (Masculine and Feminine). This creates a holy equilateral cross within the heart and all the cells of the body. Unifying all that was once deemed separate.


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