Affirmations For Pleiadian Starseeds: You are a Bright Wave of Ascension Love/Light.

6 years ago

Dear Pleiadian Starseeds,

You are here as part of a global wave of love. You are here to support the new grid of Christ Consciousness on the planet. This world is ascending and it needs your light. You are here to help others remember a resonance of higher love and unity consciousness. Do not waste time with superficial living. It is time to awaken and shine your light.

The Pleiades are a cluster of beautiful, dazzling stars located in the constellation of Taurus. Many indigenous peoples claim a link to the Pleiades. For instance Cherokee legends state that they originated in the Pleiades long, long ago.

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Many spiritual teachings and channeled sources state that the original human template was birthed from the Pleiadians. Many Pleiadians are now incarnated on the earth to help in the great global transition.

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