Avalon Holy Grail Transmission: Reawakening the Archetype of the Feminine Christ.

6 years ago

The Feminine Christ holds the template of an all-embracing inclusive love. The Feminine Christ honours all of life and recognizes each life form as perfect, loving all without conditions. The Feminine Christ radiates a fierce tenderness that is highly protective. She births a flame in the heart of unconditional love. This flame opens us to new energetic gateways/pathways for our consciousness to flow through. Gateways and pathways that have been blocked by patriarchal religious systems for the last 2-3 thousand years.

This remastered transmission invokes the Divine Feminine is Her aspect as Holy Grail/Feminine Christ. This transmission is an invitation to absorb this set of frequencies returning to the earth into every cell of your body. This creates a flame in the heart of every cell that creates a connection to the returning Christ.

The Feminine Christ activates the Peach Ray of Divine Love. This helps you close any opening to lower frequencies and open to the new 5D timeline of unity consciousness. It also helps you remember that you are deeply loved and that you have a divine purpose here on the earth-plane.

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