Angelic And Star Race Support Transmission: Neutralising Dark Alien AI.

2 years ago

This transmission was recorded on 8/8/21 at the peak intensity of the Lion's Gate.

In this transmission we invite archangels folding the horizontal and vertical force planes along with Archangels from the Central Sun of Sirius, plus Zero Point Field angels, Ultraviolet Fire angels and Security Force angels. We also invite Psychic Lightbody Surgeons from Sirius and Arcturus.

We call on your Higher Self to destroy any agreements you have from any lifetime that in any capacity allows negative alien AI or negative nanotechnology into your body and energy fields. We ask to clear and seal any negative openings in your field with archangel light from Great Central Sun. Releasing the attraction of any dark timelines.

We call upon Michael/Metatron/Sandalphon to open a portal of high frequency light in your fields. Then we ask Psychic Lightbody Surgeons to scan your body and energy fields for negative AI and dark nanotechnology. Asking them to disable, neutralise, and remove any and all alien AI including all dark nano technology interference in your body and energy fields. Asking to remove all interference and disassemble all dark material far away from your energy fields. Asking to release any and all associated programming and negative imprinting.

We ask to release all negative programming including all negative religious programming, sexual breeding programming, conflict and war programming, slavery, and persecution programming. Release all agreements that allow any 3D corporations, systems, governments and controlling elites to harvest and steal energy and resources from the planet. Asking to release all terror and fear linked with dark AI and the outgoing age of darkness.

We call upon Security Force angels, to block, seal and disappear all openings to any dark timelines associated with dark alien AI. (Such artificial timelines lead to more global control, manipulation, surveillance, dark invasive AI technologies, and dark tyranny.) We do this because that is not your true timeline on this ascending planet. We ask these angels to open and expand the one true ascension timeline the one that is your destiny.

We ask Ultraviolet Fire Angels to sweep clean your fields of any alien debris.

We then call upon Michael/Metatron/Sandalphon to close the portal of high frequency light in your fields.

Music by Loula Love - Buddha Mind - 936Hz

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