Ascension News: 2019 The Year of Intensifying Light

5 years ago

"This year 2019 is a year of intensifying light. Light is shifting everything across the planet. This is creating a certain acceleration of ascension symptoms and also external chaos where there is a vibrational dissonance between the inner reality of intention, thought, belief, desire and feeling and the external reality being experienced. The light seeks to align us with our authentic truth even if that means creating a certain amount of chaos to get there. Now the prime directive is to live out our authentic truth, awaken our inner potential and complete our Soul Contract of service on the planet....

For those that have passed through the time of awakening from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly this year has great potential. This year is where we can fully release old patterns of struggle, suffering and limitation. This year can bear much fruit and joy. New doors of possibility can open. New gifts and abilities can come online. For those who are still passing though stages of awakening then there are still old energies to shake off and new energies to align with. There are still lessons to be embraced and learnt.....

This year focus on your dreams. Set intentions that resonate at a high frequency level. Do activities that nurture and support you. Self-care and self-love are important to allow parts of the ego that need these energies to heal and align with your Soul Path. Remember, we are the magicians and map-makers that are here to create a new world. This year some people and situations may drop away from your reality allowing new people and opportunities to enter therein. This is how it needs to be. This year manifestation can become much quicker and more graceful. So this year open to expanding all limits to joy, all limits to love, all limits to connection, all limits to magical manifestation and all limits to your Soul Path."

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