Higher Light Decree: Neutralising Anxiety and Fear. Invoking Courage and Power.

5 years ago

"I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Self in the 6th Dimension and my team in spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, support and activate this decree.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, my Higher Self, I Am Presence and my highest team of light in spirit to clear and cleanse all energetic pathways and energy centres in my being and my reality. Connect me only to positively orientated beings, groups and collective energies that can assist me in activating this decree. Disentangle me from any non-positively orientated beings, groups and collective energies that seek to interfere or inhibit my light, my courage and my power. Break resonance with all unhelpful energies and beings.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. Clear and dissolve all limiting stories, beliefs, thoughts, perspectives from this lifetime that in any way generate anxiety or fear in my being. Clear all conditioning and programming from this current lifetime. Clear all imprints from the education system that generate anxiety or fear. Clear any imprints of helplessness, hopelessness, powerlessness, victimhood, martyrhood, all anxiety or fear that originate from my peers and any authority figure, including my parents. Clear any stories or beliefs that generate helplessness, hopelessness, powerlessness, victimhood, martyrhood, anxiety or fear........."

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