Diamond-White / Electric Blue Angelic Light Transmission: Clearing the Sacral Chakra

2 years ago

Sexual energy is part of our primal energy. It is natural to feel attraction to others. However, the projection of sexual energy to another that is coupled with gross sexual fantasizing is a form of energetic infringement and violation. This infringement can also occur when two people are in relationship and one is sending this energy without the conscious consent or invitation from the other.

Women have long been sexually objectified and therefore are particularly vulnerable. Many industries, including entertainment and media utilise sexual fantasy for marketing purposes. Sexual projection can also occur in the spiritual arena where a person is led to believe they need to ‘open up’ sexually to become enlightened.

Sexual projection tends to play out on the lower astral where individuals may seek to play out their sexual fantasies. (It should be noted that many project sexual fantasies onto celebrities in the film and music industries not realising that their energy is being utilised by lower vibrational beings who are pretending to be these celebrities on the lower astral plane. These beings then create addictive tendencies in the people they are connecting to.) Anyone on the receiving end of unwanted sexual projection may experience a triggering of unresolved guilt, and shame. They may also feel a certain emotional manipulation and even an attempt to ignite addictive tendencies.


The Sacral Chakra is the core of our sexual energy as it is the centre that is connected with the reproductive system. In this meditation we call on Archangel Gabriel to create a sphere of angelic Diamond-White fire, that clears the chakra from existing unwanted sexual energies. We surrender any agreements in the sacral we have unconsciously accepted from the bloodlines that could lead to any infringements of our sexual energy. Also, any agreements we have brought in from other lifetimes. Around this we call on Archangel Michael to place a sphere of Electric Blue angelic fire around the Diamond-White. Within this sphere we invoke the flaming blue sword of Michael to cut and dissolve all attempts at unwanted sexual cordings.

Music by Laurentiu Florea - Sacral Chakra Note D2 (1Hz Delta)

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