The Grace Transmission: Surrendering a Seemingly Irresolvable Issue to Spirit.

5 years ago

This transmission is not about asking Spirit to sort our life out for us. Challenges are opportunities to grow. Yet, some challenges seem overwhelmingly difficult and insoluble. In such times when we have done everything, we feel we can do, the only way forward is surrendering the issue to Grace. This transmission involves surrendering everything to Archangel Gabriel and the forces of Grace.

In this meditation you will be asked to:
Surrender a difficult issue or challenge
Surrender a belief or stream of thinking about this issue
Surrender all judgements and opinions about this issue.
Surrender all pictures of reality you are holding about this issue
Surrender all other data from memory
Surrender a feeling or accumulation of feelings about this issue
Surrender everything you have said about this issue
Surrender everything you have done in response to this issue
Surrender any desire to fight or run away from this issue
Surrender everyone else’s opinions or judgements about this issue.
Surrender everyone else’s emotional responses to this issue
Surrender what you have suppressed/do not want to see
Surrender your limiting sense of self in relation to this issue
Surrender all judgements you hold about yourself
Become empty and aligned with Grace.

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