Ascension News: Being Whole Brained, Accessing Your Internal GPS.

5 years ago

"We all have within us an innate guidance system that we can call gut instinct or intuition. This is our internal GPS. When it comes to blocking this innate ability or resource, we can break it down to five levels: cultural, family, education, work and distractions in leisure. In the Western world we exist in a paradigm where materialism, science and the objective world is generally trusted whereas the inner subjective world is mostly discounted and distrusted. We are taught to trust what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, touch and so on. When we see it, we will believe it is a motto of this paradigm. Gut instinct and intuition is not something that can be relied upon we are told. In the family we may be encouraged to stop daydreaming, stop talking to imaginary friends, to get real and so on. Education systems teach us to trust reason and logic, to analyse and plan. We are not taught to trust our feelings. When it comes to work, it is hard to be intuitive when our minds are cluttered with tweets, texts and emails. Intuition does not operate through busyness, but through relaxation and inner stillness. The mind needs to be clear, like a still mountain lake, for our internal GPS to work. When it comes to leisure, we have more distractions such as TV, internet, video games, shopping, alcohol and so on. If you want to know how to be more intuitive, one way is to switch off the TV and reduce and filter the information coming into your brain. There is a very wise saying: ‘Garbage in, garbage out’. Let the wise take heed! In our materialistic culture, many have little interest in spirituality and therefore have little awareness of their inner world. The result of this is that they have no understanding of the mechanics of the ego. They cannot tell the difference between intuition and ego mind chatter. Many follow the voice of fear and have no idea why the outcomes are so poor. These various levels of block or interference sever our connection to our GPS and more than that they block or interfere with us knowing our authentic self, our true nature.........."

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