Bones of the hand

3 years ago

This brief video tutorial discusses the bones of the hand:
0:00​​. Intro to the bones of the hand
0.28. Carpals
- 0:46. Carpal tunnel; carpal tunnel syndrome
- 2:26. Mnemonic for remembering carpal bones
- 2:53. Scaphoid bone and scaphoid fracture
- 4:01. Lunate
- 4:11. Triquetrum
- 4:24. Pisiform
- 4:41. Trapezium
- 4:55. Trapezoid
- 5:03. Capitate
- 5:11. Hamate
5:27. Metacarpals
6:00. Phalanges
6:37. Metacarpophalangeal joints (MCP)
6:05. Proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP) and distal interphalangeal joints (DIP)
7:31. Practice and In-a-Nutshell
9:34​​. Acknowledgements

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