Deep Cyberspace Protection Meditation: An Energetic Clearing of Your Social Media Platforms.

3 years ago

Most people use social media in one form or another. There are many benefits to social media (since the availability of this meditation and others is due to various social media platforms including YouTube and SoundCloud). Social Media facilitates the opportunity to create, maintain and deepen connections with other people. It is useful in many other ways such as sharing information and in educational/learning contexts.

While social media offers great benefits it is important to be aware that social media platforms also offer potential dangers to the unwary. There are the more obvious dangers of being drawn into living a virtual life rather than a physical life there are issues around cyber bullying, sexual predators and identity theft. Beyond these there are also potential hidden energetic dangers.

Social media platforms can contain some or a considerable amount of your personal identity or business brand. They may contain connections to only people you know or to a larger group of people you have agreed to connect with in the online community. Interference can occur through different social media platforms (some being worse than others in this regards). Social media platforms can interface with your personal energy space. This is how they may open you to energetic intrusions, feeling energetically drained and they can also open the way for psychic attack.

This meditation is designed to clear ONE social media platform at a time. (This includes your profile, any pages or groups the platform may contain, also any messaging functionality.) This meditation is designed to destroy all psychic agreements made unconsciously with the platform. It clears and seals your personal energetic space within the larger social media platform. It clears all energetic connections such as friends or groups. It clears interference from negative AI on the platform. It clears and protects all your data (though you still have to use common sense and inner wisdom when it comes to sharing your data on these platforms). Finally, your space is sealed and protected by Security Force Angels. Because this meditation is designed for one platform at a time it may need to be repeated a number of times to ensure all social media platforms that you are engaged in are energetically swept clean of interference and lower energies.

Chris Collins (Indie Music Box) - Binaural Journey

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