Higher Light Decree: The Awakened Entrepreneur.

2 years ago

This is a remastered track originally created January 2019.
Higher Light Decrees are more than prayers, they are co-creative statements of intent to the Universe.

"I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Self in the 6th Dimension and my team in spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, support and activate this decree.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, my Higher Self, I Am Presence and my highest team of light in spirit to clear and cleanse all energetic pathways and energy centres in my being and my reality. Connect me only to positively orientated beings, groups and collective energies that can assist me in my path of being an awakened entrepreneur. Disentangle me from any non-positively orientated beings, groups and collective energies that seek to interfere with my path and that of my business. Assist me in breaking resonance with all unhelpful energies and beings.............."

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