Wild Cat Meditation: Meeting a Power Animal Guide/Protector.

2 years ago

In this meditation we focus on one chakra that needs clearing and protecting. We call on a Power Animal Guide, a wild cat that can be from this dimension of earth such as a jaguar, tiger or lion or it can be from another dimension/time of earth such as a sabre tooth tiger.

In this meditation we journey into one of your chakras which your unconscious mind will reveal as a landscape. In this space we call the guide/protector to help clear and open this chakra.

Together you journey with the guide/protector, to see and release any lower energies from your energy fields - perhaps people, situations. Once this is done the boundaries of your chakra can be sealed with Angelic Healing Light.

Then you are invited to journey to the core of your own power. This may appear as something fiery such as a volcano or a sacred space such as a stone circle or a grove of ancient trees, or a powerful lake. Here you can connect with the core of your power.


Music by Corey White (Purple Planet Music) - Astral Projection Binaural Beat + Isochronic Tone.

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